Prediction of Physico-Chemical Characteristics in Batu Tangerine 55 Based on Reflectance-Fluorescence Computer Vision
Brix/Acid ratio, Machine Learning, PLS, TangerineAbstract
Oranges (Citrus sp.) are one of the most abundant agricultural commodities in Indonesia. One of the popular local citruses is Batu Tangerine 55. Harvesting tangerines begins 252 days after the flowers bloom. Conventionally, we still determine the level of maturity by observing the color, shape, and hardness. The results of manual grouping tend to be subjective and less accurate. Destructive testing could be carried out and provide objective results; however, it would require sampling and damaging the fruits. Computer vision could be used to evaluate the maturity level of the fruit non-destructively. Dual imaging computer vision, i.e., reflectance-fluorescence mode, could be used to enhance the accuracy of the prediction. This study aims to develop a classification model and predict the physico-chemical characteristics of Batu Tangerine 55. Destructive testing is still being carried out to determine the value of TPT, the degree of acidity, and the firmness of the fruit. Non-destructive testing was carried out to obtain reflectance and fluorescence images. Once we obtain the destructive and non-destructive data, we will incorporate them into the classification and prediction models. The machine learning method for maturity classification uses three models, namely KNN, SVM, and Random Forest. The best results on the reflectance data (RGB) SVM model resulted in an accuracy of 1 for training data and 0.97 for testing data. The maturity parameter prediction method uses the PLS method. The best results for the predicted Brix/Acidity ratio R2 parameter are 0.81 and RMSE 3.4.
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